How music makes you smarter?

For the last ten years, having taught music to thousands of students at my institute, I have seen that those who attended regular sessions for a prolonged period eventually ended up securing much better careers & opportunities than those who didn’t. Based on my personal experience, I can confirm that many of them were not focused and their concentration was poor when they started taking music lessons. Later, as they progressed to higher grades, they became more focused and started showing excellent results. Surprisingly they started showing equally good results in academics and sports too. I saw their personality being totally transformed. The effect that training (or skill acquisition) in one domain might have on skills and cognitive performances in other domains is commonly referred to as ‘transfer’ or ‘near transfer’.
I specially remember one kid, Rishabh from my 2004 batch. He was initially an introvert child, who was average in studies. When he started music classes, I realized he needed extra attention. I used a method which included musical foundations, inspirational talk and a positive approach towards him. After a few months, he was totally into music. Surprising everyone, he topped two prestigious music exams. I still remember when his grandfather told me that now he is equally focused in studies. A few years later he informed me that he was selected in a reputed engineering college. His success story confirmed my belief in music’s positive powers and also the method I was using to teach. Now this method is an integral part of the music teaching at our institute.
Founder Musicology